Educational Tour of Kundam Schools under Samarga Shiksha Scheme on December 23, 2022
Under Samagra Shiksha Scheme, JEC was selected for the educational tour for the Higher Secondary School Students
of the tribal area of Kundam block by the Commissioner of Public Instruction Madhya Pradesh. On December 23, 2022,
students from approximately 20 schools of Kundam Block visited JEC. The students were first addressed by Dr Rajiv Chandak,
Prof & Head, Department of Civil Engineering. Dr Shilpa Saxena and Dr Kamal Kushwaha were the coordinators of this Educational Tour.
The students then visited all the departments under the guidance of the group coordinators, Dr Mahima Thakur & Dr Durgesh Nandini.
In the High Voltage lab, they saw the working of the surface tensiometer, fog tracking and other types of equipment. Apart from this,
the students were given valuable insight into how power is converted from low voltage to high; the conversion of steam engines into
electrical engineering; how to measure the water flow of river dams; they were shown experiments in the centre of gravity and various types
of wavelengths. The students visited different laboratories and saw a live demonstration of the working of machines and .different equipment
by Dr Preeti Jain, Dr D.C Ravat, Dr Kamal Kushwaha, Prof. Mohit Verma and Dr Kanchan Khare.
The trip was a remarkable & enriching experience for the students.