JEC Celebrated Dr Ambedkar Jayanti under the aegis of MVS & BAMCEF on 14 April 2023:
131st Birth Anniversary of Dr B.R Ambedkar was celebrated in Jaishan Auditorium of Jabalpur
Engineering College, Jabalpur, on 14 April 2023. This program was organized under the aegis
of the Student Organization, Native Student Association and Employees Organization BAMCEF.
A motorcycle and car rally was taken out from JEC, passing through the city's main thoroughfares
before reaching Ambedkar Chowk. In the second phase, cultural programmes were organized in the
Jaishan Auditorium to pay homage to this iconic personality. The function began with the lamp-lighting
ceremony followed by the garlanding of the idol of Goddess Sarasvati and the photo of Dr B.R Ambedkar.
In their speeches, the dignitaries lauded the contribution made by Dr Ambedkar ‘The Father of the
Indian Constitution’. This was followed by a drama based on the life of Babasaheb. The youngsters
presented folk dances, solo songs, and musical opera. The principal, Dr P.K Jhinge congratulated
the organizer Native Student Union and the employee organization BAMCEF for the successful organization
of this programme. The principal opined that the event served as a reminder for the students to
recognize and appreciate the legacy of Dr Ambedkar.